Triggering Shopify deferred charges

Pre-orders that are created as charge-later or deposit-and-capture (deferred charge method), allow you to trigger the Shopify deferred charges whenever suits your store.

What are deferred charges #

A deferred charge, is where the customer accepts a future charge at the time of pre-order via your checkout. Shopify will ‘vault’ the card details to use for the future transaction.

Triggering deferred charges for all pre-orders  #

  • Navigate to a product dashboard from within PreProduct. On the left-hand side of the dashboard will be a ‘Charge all customers‘ button. 
charge all customers
  • You will now see a list of variants for that product and whether an upcoming charge email is set to send first.
  • Click the ‘Charge customers’ button and then a pop-up will appear that you need to click ‘Confirm’. 

Please note that deferred charges apply to the whole Shopify order meaning all pre-order items from the customer’s original cart will be paid for.

Triggering deferred charges for specific pre-orders  #

  • Navigate to a product dashboard from within PreProduct. On the left-hand side of the dashboard will be a ‘Select and charge customers‘ button. 
  • All customer who have pre-ordered the specific pre-order product will be displayed, so you can select specific customers to charge. You can use the filter to display specific criteria, can order it by the newest or oldest pre-orders or search via the customers name/email. 
  • Once you have selected the customers you wish to charge, click on Actions and ‘Charge Customers’.

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