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Adding to cart for headless stores

2 min read

By default a headless store will only work once a storefront token has been added in PreProduct and the redirect has been set to an isolated mode. These are required because PreProduct can’t automatically determine your cart URL endpoint in a headless setup. If you need to accept mixed-carts of buy-now and pre-order items, then read the below doc to understand the process.

If you’d prefer to isolate your pre-order orders or your store is not headless then the below process isn’t needed.

To accept headless mixed-cart orders, you’ll need to:

  1. Listen for PreProduct’s ppConvertingButtonClicked event
  2. Stop PreProduct’s default behavior
  3. Handle the cart addition with your own API calls

Here’s how to implement this:

window.addEventListener('ppConvertingButtonClicked', (e) => {
   	e.detail.handled = true; // stop PreProduct requesting or redirecting

	addPreOrderToCart() // your custom function
}, false);

The above code interrupts PreProduct’s standard flow, allowing you to:

  • Make requests to your own server
  • Use Shopify’s Storefront API directly
  • Implement custom cart logic

All PreProduct variables and functions are available on the window object for your implementation.

function addPreOrderToCart(){
	let url = `https://${ preproduct.shopify_domain }/api/${ PP_STOREFRONT_API_VERSION }/graphql.json`
	fetch(url, {
	  'async': true,
	  'crossDomain': true,
	  'method': 'POST',
	  'headers': {
		'X-Shopify-Storefront-Access-Token': {{ shopify storefront token goes here }},
		'Content-Type': 'application/graphql'
	  'body': CustomCreateCart()            // create the cart 
	  // 'body': CustomUpdateCart(cartId)	// or update an existing cart
	.then(res => res.json())
	.then(parsedRes => {
		window.res = parsedRes;
		console.log(`see the response at window.res`);
	    setTimeout(() => {
  			// redirect or let the user know the carts been added too.

function CustomCreateCart(){
  return `
	mutation {
		input: {
			lines: [ ${ PPgraphqlLineItems() } ],
			note: ""
	  ) {
		  cart {
		  userErrors {

function CustomUpdateCart(cartId){
  return `
	mutation {
		  cartId: "${ cartId }", 
		  lines: [ ${ PPgraphqlLineItems() } ]
	  ) {
	  	cart {
			lines(first: 10) {
				edges {
				  node {
		userErrors {

window.addEventListener('ppConvertingButtonClicked', (e) => {
	e.detail.handled = true;
}, false);

Instead of using the window defined variables, you can use the data available on the PPcartSession object, namely items, asAJAXLineItems(itemSelection={}) or asGraplLineItems(itemSelection={})

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