PreProduct offers the option to isolate pre-orders in their own cart or checkout, as well as take pre-orders from outside a regular Shopify storefront. This is powered by Shopify’s storefront API.
Adding a store front token to your store will enable more functionality when capturing pre-orders in and outside of your storefront. It includes both cart and checkout redirects that let you enforce ‘pre-order only’ orders. i.e. without buy-now items mixed in.
You can find this option either in the ‘Integrations’ screen or in the ‘Setup’ screen of PreProduct, under Front-end redirects.
To set this up click on manage token, (a wizard will take you through the steps to add the store front token and there is an example you can view) the steps are also listed below:
- Open Shopify in a new tab. Then from the bottom left of your Shopify admin, click the Settings option. Then click Apps from the left-hand side menu.
- Now click Develop apps (most likely at the top right) and click through. Once granted, you should be able to click the Create an app button.
- Click the Create an app field and call it preproduct_storefront. Now click the Configure Storefront API scopes button.
- Tick all of the Checkout and Product checkboxes and click save.
- There should be a grey installed badge next to the preproduct_storefront title at the top. If there isn’t, click the Overview menu item, then click install.
- Finally click the API credentials menu item and copy the Storefront API access token. Now paste it into the box below. PreProduct will automatically check and save it.
Now in the Setup screen, under “Front-end redirects”, you will be able to select from the two ‘isolate pre-orders’ options.