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Listing & editing specific variants for pre-order

1 min read

PreProduct allows for specific variants of a product to be on pre-order, whilst other variants are not i.e. buy-now or sold out.

Creating a new listing with specific variants #

  • When listing a new pre-order product in PreProduct, specific variants can be selected in the advanced tab. 
  • From PreProduct, click through the “New listing” option.
  • Then after selecting a product, toggle the “Advanced” option down the bottom of the page.
  • Select “Only list specific variants”
  • Select the variants that you want to be on pre-order.
  • Click “Create listing”

setting specific variants

Editing an existing listing’s specific variants #

We have a video here that goes through the below process (starting at 05:39).

  • From PreProduct’s main dashboard, click the name of the product.
  • Scroll down the page until you see the ‘By Variant’ section (pictured below)
  • You’ll notice a green dot next to the name of variants on pre-order. This is in contrast to a grey dot for variants not on pre-order.

Updating which variants are on pre-order

  • If you wish to pre-sell a variant that is not currently on pre-order, click the blue ‘Start pre-selling’ text to the right of the variant’s name.
  • If you wish to stop pre-selling a variant on pre-order, click the blue “Stop pre-selling text” to the right of the variant’s name.
  • Click the ‘Set pre-order limits’ option if you’d like to change max variant limits instead.

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